
How to get going with Github and Atom

An online version management system makes your life a lot easier. Specially if you want to work on different computers, share your code with others or collaborate with other persons on a project.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Create an account on Github.
  2. Create a new repository (select Initialize this repository with a README!).
  3. Download GitHub Desktop to your computer and install it (no admin rights needed).
  4. Open GitHub Desktop, sign in and Clone the right repository (default location in Documents is ok). After that you can quit GitHub Desktop.
  5. Atom: File -> Open Folder and select the the cloned repository (folder). And there you are! The work flow goes like this (every lesson):

    a) Fetch -> Pull (to update the local version)
    b) Edit your code and test it locally
    c) Stage and Commit (give a message for Commit)
    d) Push (asks for your GitHub username & password)

After these steps you always have the newest version of your code both online and on your computer!